2017. október 28., szombat

Theory of motivation in belly dance

As a Belly dance teacher, I am searching for an answer to what motivates women in Western societies to Belly dance.
Firstly, I have to know the meaning of the word ’motivation’.
A motive is an impulse that causes a person to act. Motivation is an internal process that makes a person move toward a goal. (Spark Notes LLC, 2017)

The definition of motivation can give me a starting point to think about the goal(s) of women who are belly dancing and this in turn may lead me to explore what motivates western women to belly dance. I think that in the process of learning dance, the goal can be a thousand variations, and consequently the motivation can also be varied.
According to Sigmund Freud ‘we are motivated by our instincts’. (Roundy, 2017) There are two types of instinct, Life instinct and Death instinct. Life instinct (EROS) uses the term libido or sexual energy and also encourages growth, development and creativity. Death instinct (THANATOS) relates to the managing of the aggressive tenders which is challenging the human behavior. (Roundy, 2017; Cobarrubias, 2017)
As a dance teacher, I think that students are coming to classes in terms of learning which includes encouraging growth, development and creativity. EROS can be the foundation to what is behind other motivations and I also have to mention the sexual energy which is strongly connected with belly dancing. I believe that this dance may have been preserved by the women over the centuries due to the various circumstances experienced by women throughout their lives, including for example giving birth.

Cobarrubias, S. (2017). study.com. Retrieved 10 27, 2017, from Eros, Life Instinct: Definition & Explanation: http://study.com/academy/lesson/eros-life-instinct-definition-lesson-quiz.html

Roundy, L. (2017). Study.com. Retrieved 10 2017, 27, from Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory on Instincts, Motivation, Personality & Development: http://study.com/academy/lesson/freuds-psychoanalytic-theory-on-instincts-motivation-personality-development.html

Spark Notes LLC. (2017). Retrieved 10 27, 2017, from Motivation: http://www.sparknotes.com/psychology/psych101/motivation/section1.rhtml

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