2016. szeptember 23., péntek

first small step

I am really happy to being a part of the program MA Professional in Dance Technique Pedagogy.
I am at the first step...I have just enrolled and I try to find out how could I win the place at the Middlesex Unversity. This was my dream from my childhood to be professional in my field. I still can't belive.:) When I came to UK I could not speek English very well but a few years after I live for my dream and I get back to the school. 
The hard work will pay you, if you don't give up your dream will turn into reallity.
This is what I have learned.

My brain is upside down and I am totally excited. :)

I know it makes a lot of work and caffee. :)

1 megjegyzés:

  1. Hi Barbara, Great to see your blog started. Looking forward to reading your posts.
